Sunday, February 12, 2012

500 Days of Summer Evaluation Justin Oppenheimer

     With his 2009 film (500) Days of Summer, director Marc Webb creates the ideal romantic comedy film. Starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, (500) Days of Summer tells the story of a Tom Hansen, a young man working at a greeting card company, and his love affair with coworker Summer Finn, who's portrayed as the perfect "manic pixie dream girl" by Deschanel. The cast, director, and writers together manage to take a stereotypically female-oriented film genre and make it appeal to virtually any demographic. The film tells the perfect story of love and heartbreak through excellently-applied nonlinear storytelling and unconventional filming techniques.
     The romantic comedy film has been a staple of cinema since it's breakthrough into American culture. It has hosted some of film's greatest classics such as 1961's Breakfast at Tiffany's and 1986's Pretty in Pink, and (500) Days of Summer should and will be looked back upon as on par, if not far above and beyond, these landmark films. A great romantic comedy starts off with a likable, seemingly perfect couple, who the audience can identify with. Gordon-Levitt and Deschanel do an undoubtedly perfect job at playing this couple, even when it become abundantly clear that their love can not, and will not be. Tom Hansen (Gordon-Levitt) is the handsome and confident, yet caring and vulnerable protagonist that every guy wishes he could be and every girl wishes she had, and Summer Finn is the quirky, beautiful girl that men find irresistible and  who women try to be. But what makes these characters really believable and amazing are their flaws. Whether it be Hansen's neediness or Fin's inability to commit. Roger Moore summarizes their performances well when he writes;
"Both leads are winning in every frame, even when they're doing each other wrong. Deschanel finally has a vehicle for her offbeat charms, her funny way with a look or a line or a moment at the karaoke mike. Gordon-Levitt hangs with her and does hang-dog ("winning her back") well. " (
     Along with lovable characters, (500) Days of Summer cements it's place as one of the greatest romantic comedies by using unconventional, and incredible, filming and presentation techniques. While a musical number featuring lighthearted animations in an otherwise spoken-word, live-action film may seem out of place and/or unnecessary, (500) Days of Summer integrates in flawlessly. Another particular section of the film that stands out for it's progressive presentation is a segment which features Hansen's expectations of, and actual experience at a party he attends, simultaneously side-by-side. These exceptional uses of  uncommon techniques play a major part in what sets this film apart from the many other romantic comedies with similar stories to tell.
     While some may say that (500) Days of Summer isn't even truly a romantic comedy because the two lovers don't end up together, and the closest thing to a happy ending is seeing Hansen "move on" by asking a new girl (aptly named autumn), I refute this with the fact that in reality, most romances, no matter how perfect, don't end with a fairy tale wedding. By avoiding falling into the same fantasy that most other romantic films do, (500) Days of Summer makes itself stand out as a romantic comedy that anyone who's ever found and lost love can identify with. This, combined with the wonderfully written and acted characters and excellent, progressive cinematography, is what makes (500) Days of Summer one of the most definitive romantic comedies ever created.

Works Cited
Moore, Roger. "Movie Review (500) Days of Summer." Orlando News, Information, Weather, Hurricane Coverage, Sports, Entertainment, Restaurants, Real Estate, Jobs, Business, Classifieds - Orlando Sentinel, 31 July 2009. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <,0,4900654.story>.

1 comment:

  1. Great description of the movie. Reading this review actually helped me learn a bit more about how romantic films play out. The paragraphs were very well organized and there was plenty of evaluations on different aspects of the movie. One suggestion I would give is to probably include a bit more detail to the plot to pull readers into the story closer. However this is still a good movie review.


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